With the announcement Modern is going to be a real format, along with 80 quintillion other people, I decided to jot down some deck ideas already spoken of and some that are a little from left field.
Tempered Steel/Affinity - Darksteel Citadel isn't banned.
Dragonstorm + Empty the Warrens
Second Sunrise
Elves is still very good,
Zoo w/ gaes might
Landfall Zoo
Mythic, and other Lotus Cobra decks
Dredgevine(maybe some new additions to it!)
White Weenie
12post/Martyr-Tron/Blue-Green Tron with primeval?
Pyromancers Ascension
Affinity/Tempered Steel
Soul Sisters(riiiight)
Living End
Bonus List I want to try out :)
4 Inferno Titan
4 Demigod
3 Koth
1 Urabrask
4 Deus of Calamity
2 Wurmcoil Engine
3 Dismember
4 Magus of the Moon
4 Rite of Flame
4 Seething Song
4 Simian Spirit guide
4 Desperate Ritual
2 Phyrexian Metamorph
4 Tectonic Edge
12 Mountain
2 Gemstone Caverns
It looks fun and pretty silly as well. Hope I can get some nice games in soon :)